As a company that’s worked on a lot of websites, we’ve found a common problem that almost all websites have. They are so confusing. StoryBrand has a great little test to see if your website is clear:

If you go to your website homepage right now, could a new visitor answer these three questions in about 5 seconds?

  1. What do you offer?
  2. How will it make my life better?
  3. What do I need to do to buy from you / work with you?

If your website passes all three of these in 5 seconds or less, congrats! – you are 1 BIG step ahead of your competition. If you’re like most people though, these three questions just opened your eyes to a bigger problem. One that’s causing a ton of confusion for people visiting your website, and likely turning them away from working with you.

The right words can make or break your website, sometimes your current site doesn’t even need to be rebuilt, you just need to update your words so they actually start selling for you.

Your website is already either helping or hurting your business.

The answer to a confusing website is a website built with clarity in mind. With the right words, your site will not only clearly answer what you can offer me, how it can help me, and what I need to do to work with you, but will also motivate users to buy.

The exciting thing is that you can improve your website a TON by getting the words right. I’m challenging you to start thinking about the words you’re putting on your site more than the design and functionality.

If you’re looking for a place to start, dive into StoryBrand and see if the book and other resources they offer. We also have